Know who's in your document
See who else is working along with you and where they are in the document. You'll find this experience in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Visual refresh
Work with a modernized Start experience and newly refreshed tabs in the ribbon. Experience a clean, clear style with monoline iconography, neutral color palette, and softer window corners. These updates communicate action and provide features with simple visuals.
Performance improvements
Experience improved performance, stability, and speed across Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Get faster calculations from common Excel functions like SUMIF, COUNTIF, and AVERAGEIF.

XMATCH function
The XMATCH function searches for a specified item in an array or range of cells, and then returns the item's relative position. You can also use XMATCH to return a value in an array.
Co-author documents
With real-time co-authoring, you can work with others in the same document at the same time. There’s no need to send extra notes or emails because everyone will be notified when a file is updated.
Better collaboration with modern comments
Have control of when you send comments to your co-authors and be productive with a consistent commenting experience between Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Find what you need with Microsoft Search
At the top of your Microsoft Office apps on Windows you'll find the new Microsoft Search box. This powerful tool helps you quickly find what you're looking for, from text to commands to help and more.
Try the Sketched style outline
You can give a casual, hand-drawn look to shapes in your presentations with the Sketched style outline.